
Events Happening

Bluegrass Festival

Experience soulful melodies at Yosemite’s Bluegrass Festival, surrounded by majestic pines and granite cliffs.

Bluegrass Festival

Experience soulful melodies at Yosemite’s Bluegrass Festival, surrounded by majestic pines and granite cliffs.

Bluegrass Festival

Experience soulful melodies at Yosemite’s Bluegrass Festival, surrounded by majestic pines and granite cliffs.

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Towering Redwoods

Step into the awe-inspiring Mariposa Grove, home to Yosemite’s largest gathering of majestic redwoods. Wander among around 500 ancient giant sequoias, some standing for thousands of years. Don’t miss the Fallen Monarch, a beloved giant that’s been resting peacefully for centuries!

A Rich History

President Theodore Roosevelt’s visit to Yosemite in 1903 left an indelible mark on conservation history. Inspired by the park’s grandeur, he famously remarked, “It was like lying in a great solemn cathedral, far vaster and more beautiful than any built by the hand of man.” Roosevelt’s admiration for Yosemite fueled his passion for conservation and played a pivotal role in the expansion of America’s national park system.